
The Challenges of Living in Baguio City

Living in Baguio City is a dream for many, especially for those who have not experienced an extended stay in this picturesque mountain city. However, like any other urban area, Baguio has its share of challenges and imperfections that can turn dreams into nightmares, necessitating adjustments to one’s lifestyle. In this article, we will delve into the unique challenges and adjustments faced by residents in Baguio City.


What were the Challenges of Living in Baguio City Decades Ago?

Life in the past was marked by simplicity and ease, driven by our uncomplicated desires and needs. It’s possible that the world’s population was smaller back then, allowing for ample resources to meet our requirements. Consequently, the challenges we faced, even in urban settings, primarily revolved around fundamental issues and were generally manageable. So let’s see how life was in the past and what the challenges were.

Historical Perspective:

Looking back to the time when my parents first moved to Baguio City, the cost of living was relatively affordable. Their experiences and struggles back then were distinct from the challenges faced by present-day residents. Today, Baguio has transformed into a bustling, highly urbanized city with intense competition in various aspects such as business, employment, education, real estate, and inflation concerns. However, when we focus on the daily realities of life when our family initially settled in the city, it revolved around fundamental needs and basic comforts.

Climate and Comfort:

Approximately 45 years ago, Baguio was notably colder than it is now. The city was characterized by low-density settlements, abundant sunflowers, pine trees, poinsettias, and mulberry trees. Our house at that time lacked modern amenities like a fireplace. To keep our home warm, my dad would boil water and place the pot in the center of our living room. My mom had to purchase an abundance of thick, heavy blankets to keep us warm during the chilly nights. Most of our cold-weather clothing was either gifted by friends or handed down from one sibling to another. Coming from Zambales, a place known for its heat, we lacked the essential items for cold weather.

Laundry and Domestic Chores:

On rainy days, my mom faced the challenge of drying clothes as we didn’t have access to a washing machine and dryer. The weather conditions made it difficult for our laundry to dry quickly.

Employment Opportunities:

Back in the day, the city had a shortage of music performers, which led to persistent efforts to recruit my dad. In fact, the offer was so enticing that he was even provided with a comfortable house once he decided to accept the opportunity. He felt immense gratitude for someone who would go to such lengths, coming from his previous workplace, to provide everything he needed, some of which he had never truly had before.

Spacious Living:

Our house had a spacious front yard, which served as a playground for all us siblings during the day. This space also provided room for my mom’s flower gardening and laundry drying. In the backyard, my dad cultivated corn, sayote, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and more. This abundant space allowed my dad to engage in carpentry, crafting tables, chairs, beds, and storage items as needed.

Education and Commute:

Regarding education, during our primary school years, the school was not very close, but it was safe for us to walk there without adult supervision. We didn’t need to spend money on transportation. For our secondary education, our parents opted for a closer, private school, which added to their expenses but ensured our education continued.

A Different Perspective:

Reflecting on the quality of life in Baguio City during those earlier decades, it seems that it was not as challenging as it may appear. In fact, it could be considered a dream come true for some. However, the landscape and living conditions in Baguio City have evolved significantly. Thus, it’s imperative to reevaluate the challenges and adjustments that residents face in the city today.

Living in Baguio City presents a unique set of challenges and adjustments, from coping with the changing climate to adapting to the urbanization of the city. The stories of the past, while nostalgic, also highlight the resilience and resourcefulness of Baguio residents in facing these challenges. As you can imagine, life and the challenges was quite easy. However, the challenges evolve as time passes by.


What are the Challenges of Living in the City Now?

The prospect of living in Baguio City, often hailed for its natural beauty, vibrancy, and development, might seem idyllic on the surface. However, as time has unfolded, the city has undergone significant changes, raising pertinent questions about the challenges associated with urban living. In this comprehensive analysis, we will explore how the allure of progress and development has shaped the city and the lives of its residents, shedding light on the complex facets of life in Baguio City.

The Price of Progress:

The adage “you reap what you sow” rings true in Baguio City. As society propels itself towards progress and development, the definition of convenience is evolving. It is crucial to reevaluate the very terms and paths we tread on. The city’s enduring popularity, primarily due to its agreeable climate, has drawn tourists year after year, making it an attractive proposition for entrepreneurs. In turn, this influx of tourists has sparked a business boom in the form of hotels, restaurants, and cafes. This growth not only serves the tourists but also provides employment opportunities, effectively making Baguio a magnet for newcomers seeking work and a new place to call home.

The Snowball Effect:

With new settlers arriving, many of them come with their families in tow, leading to increased demand for housing and education. As this cycle perpetuates, more and more individuals are lured to Baguio by the promise of a good life – steady jobs, a pleasant climate, and affordable produce. Consequently, the city is now dotted with countless hotels, restaurants, and cafes, while more schools and hospitals have been established to cater to the growing population. This expansion has also drawn the interest of foreigners, enticed by business opportunities, language and academic studies, and retirement prospects. The rising population has necessitated the demolition of older, smaller homes to make way for larger apartment complexes, condos, and dormitories. Meanwhile, the cost of tuition, essential goods, and rent has surged, fueled by the influx of both foreign and local migrants.

Accessibility and Its Dilemmas:

Furthermore, Baguio City has become highly accessible, making it a destination for individuals from all over. People can easily relocate to the city, whether for a short-term visit or a long-term stay. However, this accessibility has created a conundrum for residents. The city, once known for its serene and natural charm, now grapples with an overabundance of vehicles, resulting in perpetual traffic congestion. This has rendered it unsafe for children to navigate the streets without adult supervision. The pursuit of livelihood is characterized by fierce competition, and while wages have stagnated, the cost of living has skyrocketed. To put it into perspective, Baguio City offers one of the lowest minimum wage rates nationwide.

Quality of Life and the Wealth Disparity:

The current landscape portrays a city singularly focused on profit, with the quality of life seemingly in decline. The streets are congested with vehicles, the cost of living is exorbitant, and gainful employment is elusive for many. In such an environment, one’s earnings often barely suffice for a modest meal, given the stiff competition and increased living expenses. Prices have soared, but the local minimum wage has remained comparatively meager. In this setting, only the affluent can maintain a semblance of comfort in their homes, while the less fortunate are left to scuffle and often resort to begging for the basics. The question naturally arises: Is it still worth living in a city fraught with such challenges?

In light of these complexities, anyone contemplating life in Baguio City should conduct extensive research and carefully weigh the pros and cons. It is essential to identify strategies for navigating the multifaceted challenges the city presents. Living in Baguio City is no longer just about enjoying the weather and picturesque scenery; it is an intricate dance with urbanization, progress, and the trials of city living.


Things We Should Know Before Deciding to Relocate to Another City

In today’s rapidly evolving world, making life-altering decisions such as relocating to a new city is no longer a matter of whimsy and spontaneity. The challenges and intricacies of modern existence, driven by a shifting societal conscience towards materialism and profit, compel us to exercise caution and deliberate thought when pondering significant life changes. The days when one could readily embark on a journey to an unknown destination, secure in the knowledge that recovery from failure or disappointment would be swift, have waned. The contemporary landscape is marked by a far less forgiving and more rigid framework, raising the stakes for every decision we make.

The Role of Technology:

Technology plays a pivotal role in the changing dynamics of our lives. It has contributed to the increased rigidity of our circumstances. However, it is a double-edged sword, as we can harness its power for the greater good. The internet, with its vast and virtually free resources, provides a wealth of information at our fingertips. We can now delve deeply into any subject, including the exploration of potential destinations or employment opportunities. The online realm offers a platform for seeking advice and expertise from individuals who have walked the path we contemplate. Before making any life-altering move, we have the means to test the waters and gather invaluable insights.

Thorough Research and Preparation:

Before taking the plunge into the unknown, it is prudent to conduct exhaustive research and preparation. This might entail embarking on a temporary residence or extended visits to the prospective city to gain a firsthand understanding of the environment, culture, and lifestyle. These preliminary experiences can offer a realistic perspective on what life would be like if you chose to relocate permanently.

Economic Considerations:

One of the most crucial aspects of modern life pertains to employment and financial stability. In the current landscape, securing a sustainable livelihood is paramount. It is essential to explore the possibilities and ascertain the availability of suitable job opportunities in the new city. Assessing whether the income prospects are sufficient to cover current and future needs is a fundamental step in decision-making. 

Self-Knowledge and Lifestyle Preferences:

Ultimately, understanding oneself is the cornerstone of making informed decisions. An individual’s preferences, aspirations, and lifestyle choices should be carefully evaluated. This self-awareness extends to knowing what type of dwelling one desires, whether it’s a city center apartment, a suburban house, or a tranquil provincial abode. It involves pondering questions about contentment in urban hustle and bustle versus a quieter provincial existence. Knowing oneself in these respects provides the clarity needed to determine whether one is equipped to face the challenges that a new city may pose and to create a life that is not just comfortable but fulfilling and joyful.

The decision to relocate to a new city or undertake any significant life change in the modern world necessitates a multidimensional approach. It involves leveraging technology for research and preparation, delving into economic considerations, and most importantly, understanding one’s own desires and lifestyle preferences. In a world characterized by complexity and rigidity, a well-informed, self-aware approach is the compass that guides us towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life in a new city or any other significant endeavor.

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