
Top 10 Money-Saving Tips for Living in Baguio City

Discover the top ways to save money while living in Baguio City. From affordable accommodations to budget-friendly food choices, learn how to make the most of your finances in this vibrant city.

Living in Baguio City offers a unique blend of affordability and accessibility, making it an excellent place to enjoy life without straining your budget. Whether you’re earning a minimum wage or simply looking to maximize savings, it’s essential to adopt money-saving strategies in today’s economic climate.


Top 10 Ways to Save Money When in Baguio City

Here are the top 10 ways you can save more money in Baguio City

1. Find Affordable Accommodations

Securing reasonably priced housing is key to saving money. Seek rental options that align with your budget and preferences while ensuring safety and comfort.

2. Embrace Home Cooking

Cooking at home not only saves money but also allows you to maintain control over your diet. Purchase groceries and prepare meals to cut down on dining expenses.

3. Opt for Raw Fruits and Vegetables

Incorporating raw fruits and vegetables into your diet is a healthy and cost-effective choice. This helps curb hunger and reduces the temptation to splurge on expensive snacks.

4. Explore Baguio on Foot

Baguio City’s pleasant climate and charming streets make it an ideal place for walking. Save on transportation costs by strolling through the city whenever possible.

5. Choose Jeepneys Over Taxis

Jeepneys are a more economical mode of transportation compared to taxis. Utilize public transport to lower your commuting expenses.

6. Host Friends at Home

Hosting gatherings at home can be more budget-friendly than going out to restaurants or cafes. Encourage your friends to visit, and take turns hosting, which benefits everyone’s finances.

7. Shop for Fresh Produce at Local Markets

Baguio City boasts numerous local markets where you can buy fresh produce at lower prices than convenience stores or supermarkets. Establish a regular shopping schedule to plan meals efficiently.

8. Budget Wisely with Money-Tracking Apps

Harness the power of budgeting apps to monitor your income and expenses. Setting a budget allows you to identify areas where you can cut back and save more effectively.

9. Brew Your Coffee at Home

Instead of splurging on expensive café coffee, invest in a quality coffee maker and brew your favorite blends at home. This simple change can lead to substantial savings over time.

10. Manage Mobile Data Usage

Be mindful of your mobile data consumption. Limit your time on social media and avoid data-draining activities like excessive TikTok and YouTube video streaming.


It’s essential to recognize that affordable accommodations serve as the cornerstone of saving money in Baguio City. Your housing choice influences various aspects of daily life, including the ability to cook at home, host gatherings, and access local markets conveniently. By managing your housing costs effectively, you establish a robust foundation for implementing other money-saving habits.

Keep in mind that these are just some of the ways to save money in Baguio City. Numerous strategies and opportunities exist to bolster your savings. By incorporating these top 10 methods into your daily routine and remaining open to additional money-saving ideas, you can secure your financial well-being and navigate the challenges of an ever-evolving economy.

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